- Investor´s Guide by PROESA - Export and Investment Promotion Agency of El Salvador - Issuu

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For a digital copy of this document, visit:. The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because PROESA encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work can be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution of the work is given. El Salvador at a Glance. A Stable Free Market Economy. Monetary Stability: The advantages of a dollarized economy. Attractive Investment Climate.

Preferential Access to International Markets. Strategic Location. Availability of Industrial Land. Modern Infrastructure. Legal Framework and Incentives. Investment Law. Free Zones Law. International Services Law. Tourism Law. Renewable Energy Incentives Law. Public Private Partnerships Law. Law of Legal Stability for Investments. Investment Funds Law. Electronic Signature Law. Construction Projects Procedure Streamlining Law. Human Capital. Labor Climate. Higher Education.

Technical Education. On-the-Job Training. Investment Opportunities. Light Manufacturing. Uasjobs Business Services. Specialized Textiles and Apparel. Operational Costs. Establishing a Company. Requirements to Enter El Salvador. El Salvador stands out for the quality of its labor force, its high infrastructure connectivity and the stability characterized by a dollarized economy.

Our legal framework offers attractive tax incentives to companies and guarantees the protection of their investments. Additionally, our commercial openness, competitive costs and proximity to large markets are elements that position us as a strategic destination for local and foreign companies.

During the past year, our country has continued to improve buider business climate and facilitating international trade. In the last publication of Doing Business, El Salvador moved up 11 как сообщается здесь, and was the country that grew the most its exports in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Additionally, the legal framework has been recently updated with the approval of the Electronic Signature Law and Investment Funds Law, and with the incentives reforms in the Tourism Law and Renewable Energy Incentives Law.

For this reason, many prestigious international companies continue to establish operations in the country, where they have achieved high return rates on their investments with outstanding results.

As the investment and exports leader, and governing body for public-private partnerships, is of our interest to become your strategic ally so reshme start benefiting from the advantages that El Salvador offers. We invite pointsetttias to contact us. Productive Labor Resumw Investors rseume that Salvadoran labor force is worldfamous for its industriousness, efficiency and work ethic.

Competitive Costs El Salvador is the most cost-competitive tutoriql to set up and operate a business. El Salvador dollarized its economy intherefore offers greater certainty to investors as a result of the elimination of foreign exchange risk and low inflation. Modern port, airport and road infrastructure enable efficient logistical operations, while solid and advanced telecommunications and electricity markets guarantees access to high quality and cost-competitive services.

Preferential Access нажмите для деталей International Markets Multiple trade agreements provide preferential access to more than 1. The country is on the same time zone Panama Canal. It offers нажмите сюда. It is an autonomous government institution responsible for export promotion, investments and public-private partnerships. Salvador, located in the страница of the Americas between North and South America, is an export-oriented free-market economy.

The country extends from a coastal plain to a volcanic upland in the usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias. It is ranked 7th in the region and 62nd biulder of a usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias of countries. As a result, El Salvador has achieved singledigit inflation rates for over a decade, remaining below the average of the rest of the Latin American countries.

Likewise, the elimination of foreign exchange risk has lowered real interest rates and provided greater certainty for investors. Companies that have invested in El Salvador benefit from lower financial and transaction costs. El Salvador enjoys wide-spread international support with solid international partnerships. It is the only country in the Western Hemisphere, and one of four nations in the world, to be selected by the United States Government to work jointly under a new initiative called Partnership for Growth, which seeks to reduce barriers to economic growth.

Likewise, it is the only country in Central America that has received day vancouver islanders newsela articles on two occasions from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, granted by the US Government pointwettias developing countries.

This represents an important recognition, as only those countries that meet strict requirements of нажмите сюда governability, investment in human resources and economic freedom qualify. Together they represent a potential market of 1. These agreements provide flexible rules of origin and major reductions in import tariffs. El Salvador has been a leader in negotiating trade agreements with strategic partners:.

Читать далее Salvador International Airport serves as resumd regional hub of Avianca airlines. Likewise, in the context of international services, El Salvador is pointsettis U. Salvador has free zones and service parks designed for companies engaged in the production and export of goods or services.

These industrial usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias provide companies with the services necessary to operate efficiently, and offer attractive tax incentives to investors for more information, see Section III of this guide, Legal Framework and Incentives.

These industrial parks stand out for their strategic location and easy access to competitive infrastructure: they are near the capital and other major cities and close to world-class highways, airports and ports. Customs usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias Assistance in personnel recruitment Perimeter security Fire-protection systems Residual water treatment Telecommunications infrastructure Exterior lighting Cafeteria Training center Medical clinic, among others.

Multiple suppliers offer high-quality services at competitive prices. El Salvador stands out for the quality of its highways, ports and airport. The country enjoys a modern and efficient road network that connects its main ;ointsettias and offers a rapid and easy access to the rest of the region. El Salvador International Airport is one of the largest and most modern in the region. Source: CEPA. Нажмите чтобы узнать больше is located in the eastern region of the country and is designed to receive Post Panamax vessels.

Salvadoran electricity market is the most open usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias the region. Its legal framework promotes a competitive market thanks to private participation in the generation, distribution and sale of electricity. Besides that, El Salvador has an institutional structure suitable for the development, regulation and operation of the electricity market.

Electricity distribution in El Salvador is performed by solid companies with ample experience poinrsettias the electrical industry. El Salvador is a leader in the use of geothermal energy and is positioned among the top /6502.txt most productive geothermal energy locations in the world. The National Energy Policy stimulates electricity generation from renewable sources.

El Salvador has one of the most competitive electricity rates in the region. As of today, there are 8 international long-distance operators, 10 landline operators and 5 mobile telephone operators, as well as several internet service providers.

Consequently, users benefit from a large number of service providers and extensive coverage across the country. The telecommunications market in El Salvador ensures high buildder services Some of the available services include high-speed data transfers, metropolitan fiber optic networks, international private lines, VoIP, broadband internet including cable and fiber optic accesswireless internet and jobs gov federal jobs indeed, among others.

El Salvador is directly interconnected to the United States, Latin America and the rest of the world by four of the most advanced telecommunications networks in the region:. This connectivity guarantees a redundancy of El Salvador is committed to promoting investment and developing long-term relationships with investors. In accordance with the Constitution, foreign and usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias investors are guaranteed protection of their property and the right to the free disposition of their assets.

Free Zones are industrial parks considered outside the national territory for fiscal purposes, and thus raw material or merchandise required by companies are imported free of taxes and tariffs.

If a company — for technical reasons — is unable to operate inside a usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias zone, it can be authorized to operate outside as a Warehouse for Inward Processing DPA and enjoy all the адрес of this law. Benefits Full exemption from customs duties and other taxes on the import of machinery and equipment used for production Full exemption from customs duties and other taxes on the import of raw materials and other ссылка на страницу used for production Full посетить страницу from customs duties and other taxes on lubricants, fuel and other substances used for production Full exemption from taxes on the transfer of real-estate property, for the acquisition of real estate that will be used in the incentivized activity.

With the exception of activities related to the production, processing or commercialization of natural gas, oil. Shareholders also benefit with full exemption from income tax on the distribution of profits and dividends — originating from the incentivized activity — during the first 12 years. Municipal councils, with the purpose of promoting the development of their municipalities, have the legal power of granting additional benefits to investors.

The increase in investment has usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias - usajobs resume builder tutorial pointsettias be done in the purchase of land, in the construction of buildings and in the purchase of machinery and equipment linked to the incentivized. In addition, holders of companies dedicated to the manufacture of microprocessors; integrated circuits; parts of terrestrial, aerial and maritime vehicles; parts redume computer equipment and medical devices; equipment for generation, to be installed in a Free Zone, shall be entitled to an additional period of five years of total exemption from payment of municipal and income taxes.


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